Laser Vein Therapy
Laser therapy is a proven treatment for treating unsightly broken and dilated vessels as well as other unwanted vascular lesions, such as rosacea, port wine stains and other vascular birthmarks. In fact, the latest advances in laser technology have given us a method for removal that is safer, faster and more effective than any previous treatment.
How it Works
Laser Vein Treatment works by emitting a specialized light that is passed through the skin and preferentially absorbed by its target, be it an unwanted hair, birthmark, tattoo or in this case, the hemoglobin (the red portion of blood) in the unwanted vessels. The laser causes the vein to break up and disappear. There are several lasers available that work remarkably well in treating unwanted veins.
About the Procedure
Most people describe the treatment feeling like a rubber band snap. You may be given a topical anesthetic cream to numb the area to be treated. Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cool compresses. After treatment, you can immediately return to normal activities.