A Family of Treatments to Fit Your Lifestyle!
The Fraxel family of products has three laser treatments, all delivering remarkable results with fast recovery. We also have a post-treatment skincare regimen called the Fraxel Skin Ecology System. Click on the links below to learn more about each Fraxel treatment.
Fraxel re:fine™ treatment — for prevention and maintenance
The most gentle option, Fraxel re:fine treatment is a cosmetic procedure that treats minor skin damage, preventing the signs of aging so you can maintain a youthful look.
What it treats: fine lines around the eyes, age spots/sunspots, pigment irregularities and uneven skin tone.
Downtime: Almost none. Return to routine activities the very same day.
Fraxel re:store™ treatment — for mild to severe skin damage
The original and most popular Fraxel treatment, Fraxel re:store treatment can resurface damaged skin and uncover the skin of your youth — all with minimal impact on your daily routine.
What it treats: wrinkles around the eyes, acne scars, surgical scars, age spots/sunspots, melasma and Actinic Keratoses.
Downtime: Return to regular activities the very next day.
Fraxel re:pair® treatment — surgery-like results for the most severe skin damage
The newest product in the Fraxel family, Fraxel re:pair treatment is a preemptive strike against a facelift. The treatment tightens skin and corrects severe damage.
What it treats: wrinkles, irregular texture, age spots/sunspots, sun-induced redness.
Downtime: Return to routine activities within a week
Fraxel Skin Ecology System
Take the guesswork out of post-treatment care
The Fraxel Skin Ecology System is a unique line of skincare products developed by Fraxel scientists exclusively to enhance and accelerate the benefits of Fraxel treatment. Using natural ingredients with healing properties, these products moisturize, soothe and protect your skin – starting immediately after treatment and lasting long after.
Skin Problems? Fraxel Treatment has a solution!
Whether you have sun damage, wrinkles or other signs of age, Fraxel treatment delivers remarkable results with minimal downtime.
Below, learn how Fraxel can safely and effectively treat a variety of skin conditions.
As you age, your skin’s collagen and elastin simply break down faster than your body can rebuild them. The slowed remodeling of these skin-tightening proteins causes your skin to thin, droop and lose elasticity – which often leads to winkles, furrows and fine lines.
If you have wrinkles on your face or around your eyes, you’ve probably had a wonderful life rich with laughter and emotional experiences. After all, expressions like smiling, laughing, pondering and squinting naturally involve the contraction of muscles – which can lead to wrinkles, furrows and fine lines.
Acne Surgical Scars
Scars are depressions or indentations in the skin that occur after a medical condition such as acne or after a surgical incision. Especially when they’re on the face or other visible areas, scars can carry the stigma of adolescent acne long after the acne is gone, or they can serve as unpleasant reminders of a past surgery.
Acne scars can occur as the skin heals from pimples, whiteheads and blackheads that form when oil, bacteria and dead cells get stuck below the skin’s surface. Acne scars are typically indented marks or raised, red areas that sometimes give the skin a wavy appearance. Surgical scars, meanwhile, form naturally as skin heals from an incision.
Despite their name, age spots are due more to sunning than aging. These spots – also called sunspots, brown spots or liver spots – are flat, uneven dark patches on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, shoulders and other such areas that are regularly exposed to the sun. Even though they’re usually harmless, these blotchy brownish patches can make you look and feel older than you really are.
When you’re in the sun, your body reacts by producing a pigment called melanin to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, your skin may overreact by producing too much melanin. That increased pigmentation can result in age spots, which fall into a broad medical category called “pigmented lesions.”
Melasma – which is most common in women and affects about 45 million people worldwide – appears as irregular patches of brown skin on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip and nose. Like most other pigmented lesions, melasma is not dangerous, but it can be a self-confidence crusher, prompting many women to hide behind a mask of make-up.
Melasma is most common during hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy. So instead of celebrating the beauty of motherhood, women with melasma must wear what’s often called “the mask of pregnancy.”
Skin Resurfacing
Over the years, your skin is exposed to sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue and lifestyle factors such as smoking. It all can affect your skin’s texture, color and tightness.
To resurface your skin and correct imperfections, there are many options from chemical peels to dermabrasion. But unlike other remedies that scrape, peel and cut the surface of your skin, Fraxel laser treatment has been approved by the FDA to safely, gently and effectively resurface your skin from the inside out. That means improved texture, more even tone and smoother skin – all without the risks, discomfort and prolonged downtime of other procedures.