
The mini-tummy tuck is the procedure to remove excess fat and skin in the abdomen. It also gets rid of loose or wrinkled skin and stretch marks. Both women and men can benefit from this extremely effective body contouring surgery.

Weight Loss after Pregnancy

Pregnancy, weight gain and weight loss have a devastating impact on a woman’s abdomen. Only rarely dieting and exercise can fully restore the abdomen wall to its flat desirable shape after the skin and muscles have been stretched to their limit. After losing weight men can also have difficulties regaining their youthful flat abdomen.


Liposuction is ideal to contour the abdomen for those who have good skin tone and excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Body contouring with the tummy tuck is a better procedure for women and men who have loose abdominal skin following pregnancy and weight loss.

The Mini-Tummy Tuck can be performed under local anesthesia.

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